General Information

I. The I Simpósio Internacional de Lexicografia e Linguística Contrastiva will be carried out on 3rd and 4th of December 2012, at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

II. Registrations to participate in the I SILLiC will must be made through the event website, according to the specified dates on the corresponding link. Each registered participant, being author or co-author, may submit up to two (2) papers.

III. Author(s) of individual paper or paper in co-authoring will only be entitled to a certificate if he/she/they pay for registration through bank slip. Moreover, it is compulsory, at least, one of the authors be present at the event and present the paper.

Important Dates
I SILLiC date of completion

03rd to 04th December 2012

Registration on thematic working groups(individual communication sessions) and posters: from 01st to 30th September 2012.

Divulgation of the approved papers and issue of acceptance letters: from October 15th

Submission of full text for publication in the Proceedings: until November 20th

I SILLiC Languages

Libras (Brazilian sign language)


1. The coordination of thematic working groups lie with the coordinators listed on Thematic Working Groups link.

2. The presentation of oral communication in thematic working groups is intended to doctors, masters and doctoral students. Master's students and graduate students can only propose texts drawn up in co-authorship.

3.In order to get the assent of the papers to be presented in thematic working groups, teachers must submit their abstracts paying attention to the following criteria:

I. The abstract must make clear the objectives, the theoretical-methodological findings (full or partial) of the proposal and its references;

II.The proposal should be focused on the areas listed in Thematic Working Groups link;

III.The abstract must present a minimum of 250 and maximum of 450 words;

4.The TWGs coordinators are going to do:

I. the selection of submitted papers to the thematic working groups;

II. the delivery of oral presentations (between 03th and 04th December 2012).

1. It is addressed to teachers/researchers, postgraduate students, elementary and high school teachers and graduate students. In the case of master students and graduate students, the texts must be organized in co-authoring with a professor.
2. The entry individual presentations should be indicated the paper area.
3. Presentations will take 20 minutes.
1. It is addressed exclusively to graduate students.
2. Poster size: width: 80cm, height: 120cm
3. The poster title must be identical to the title of the submitted abstract
4. In the body of the text must be included the objectives, the theoretical and methodological results and references.
5. The author(s) must be present at the time of presentation. The poster author will be responsible for posting, remove and store his/her stuff, as well as its safety. 
6. It is prohibited the presentation:

I. by others (not authors);
II. of printed jobs without characteristics of a poster;
III. Poster do not obey the general rules of size and legibility.
7. Will only be certified the author (s) subscribed in the event and who (which) be present during the poster presentation.

1. It is addressed to participation in the Symposium without paper presentation.2. Entitled only will certificate


§ The text of the abstract, with a minimum of 250 (two hundred fifty) and a maximum of 450 (four hundred and fifty) words, Times New Roman 12 , justified, simple space. It must contain at least objectives and theoretical-methodological paper.

§ Choose the kind of participation and thematic area;

§ Fill in the fields TITLE, ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS. That are important informations to guide the abstracts submission for the Scientific Committee referees and TWGs Coordinators

§ Mention the support of sponsoring agency, if applicable, must come in the abstract ending in parentheses. Example: (Support: CAPES - Process 0000-000000-0).

§ Abstracts outside of the rules WILL NOT be accepted.

Models of Full Paper for publication
PDF Version (Soon)

Thematic Working Groups

Registrations will be accepted until 31/09/2012 for Working Groups. The thematic Working Groups are:

WG1 - Lexicografia e Metalexicografia
Prof. Dr. Felix Valentin Bugueño Miranda
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

This WG aims to assemble all papers that focus on the theoretical reflection about the dictionary as a study object, as well as those papers concerning to the relationship between a general theory of the dictionary and the particularities of the different languages ​​that are described by dictionaries.

WG2 - Dicionário e Tradução
Prof. Dr. Berthold Zilly
Freie Universität Berlin
Visiting Professor at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PVE)

WG3 - Lexicografia e LIBRAS
Prof. Dr. Markus Johannes Weininger
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

WG4 - Lexicografia Contrastiva
Profa. Dra. María Ángeles Sastre Ruano
Universidad de Valladolid

WG5 - Lexicografia e Linguística de Corpus
Prof. Dr. Lincoln Fernandes
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

WG6 - Lexicografia, Filosofia e Tradução
Prof. Dr. Aylton Barbieri Durão
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

WG7 - Lexicografia e Fraseologia Coordinator
Prof. Dr. José Suarez-Inclán García de la Peña
Assessor Linguístico da Embaixada da Espanha no Brasil

This WG aims to meet papers focused on debate any aspect of the treatment of phraseological units in monolingual and bilingual lexicography, as well as in other documents that may be used as didatic material for teaching vocabulary. We will accept proposals which approach the topic of phraseological units in terms of its constitution, historiography, variation or contrastivity.

WG8 - Lexicografia e Ensino de Línguas Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Adilson do Rosário Toledo
Faculdade Estadual de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Paranaguá

WG9 - Análise Contrastiva e Análise de ErrosProfa. Ana Lúcia Esteves dos Santos
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

WG10 – Análise de Interlíngua Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Otávio Goes de Andrade
Universidade Estadual de Londrina

WG11 - Retórica Contrastiva e Pragmática Intercultural Coordinator
Profa. Dra. Andréia Cesco e Adja Balbino de Amorim Barbieri Durão
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

GT12 - Lexicografia e Aquisição de Vocabulário Profa. Dra. Mailce Borges Mota
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

This WG aims to gather, debate, socialize and stimulate researches on vocabulary acquisition in mother tongue and second languages​​, aiming to get a better understanding of the ways that studies in this area can contribute to the field of lexicography, especially to pedagogical lexicography. Proposals will be accepted from theoretical and / or empirical, quantitative or qualitative nature, addressing the acquisition process in a variety of contexts, with adults or children.

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